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Basics of Life Insurance

A life insurance plan pays your family a certain sum of money as death benefit (as mentioned in the policy) in event of your death while the policy is in force and/or provides returns as maturity proceeds after a set period (called policy term) when the policy terminates; in exchange of a premium.

There are different types of life insurance plans broadly the pure protection or term-life plans and investment plans.

In comparison to investment-type life insurance plans, term life plans only get you a death benefit and not any other return. However, the death benefits you get is substantial in comparison, typically 500-1000 times your annual premium. It would take an investment earning 10% interest for more than 65 years – a lifetime – to get a 500X return!

Term insurance is also quite cheap, e.g. for a 30-year-old, a cover of 50 lakhs, costs about Rs. 4,000 per year

Life insurance plans are classified into two major types: Pure protection policies or term life plans: Life insurance term plan pays your family the death benefit as mentioned in the policy in case of your death while the policy is in force.

In comparison to investment-type life insurance plans, term life plans only get you a death benefit and not any other return.

Investment policies: Investment-type life insurance plan pays your family a certain sum of money as maturity returns after a set time period (called policy term) or the death benefit in event of your death (while the policy is in force); in exchange of a premium.

Typically maturity periods are ten, fifteen or twenty years upto a certain age limit, usually 65 years. Furthermore, these policies are traditional with-profits or unit linked (ULIP) plans. The death benefit you get is lesser in comparison to pure protection (term insurance) plans, typically 7 -10 times your annual premium.

If you have family members who are dependent on your income, you must buy a life cover (a term-life protection plan at the least) to secure their future in your absence.

Life insurance provides financial protection against several risk-hazards in the life of every person:

That of dying too soon leaving a dependent family without any means of regular income

That of living till old age without visible means of support

Paying off loans and other expenses like illness or accidents in your absence

Moreover, the death benefit is tax free to your family u/s 10(10D), and premiums get tax exemption u/s 80C.

Health insurance, also called as Mediclaim, is way to pay for advance medical treatments, that typically require you to be in-hospital overnight. It also covers certain other day procedures like cataract surgery, etc that don’t require you to be hospitalized but are expensive nevertheless.

Life insurance provides financial protection against several risk-hazards in the life of every person:

That of dying too soon leaving a dependent family without any means of regular income

That of living till old age without visible means of support

Paying off loans and other expenses like illness or accidents in your absence

Moreover, the death benefit is tax free to your family u/s 10(10D), and premiums get tax exemption u/s 80C

The rule of thumb is that you should buy a life cover of at least 10 times, and ideally 20 times your annual salary, so that your family can continue to have similar quality of life even after the breadwinner dies.

Why would you need so much cover? Consider a simple scenario, where Anil, who’s salary is 5 lakhs, took the recommended minimum cover of 10 times salary, i.e. 50 lakhs. On his death, his family puts the 50 lakhs of payout corpus in a fixed deposit. With interest of 8% this would give 4 lakhs of substitute income for his family, to manage their day-to-day expenses. It’s less than before but should be fine since Anil’s expenses are no longer to be borne. Now if Anil had loans to pay or other unplanned costs come up, then the corpus will reduce and so will the interest income. Also with effect of inflation the interest income may not be enough as years pass by. So, to be fully safe ideal cover would be 20 times the salary.

Our experts can help with determining your cover need based on your income and savings. We also can help you and your family, plan for the best way to use the benefit payout, in case of an unfortunate event.


Life insurance provides two types of tax benefits:

The premiums you pay for a life insurance policy are eligible for tax deductions upto Rs1.5 lakhs under Section 80C (to the extent of 10% of sum assured or actual premiums paid whichever is less)

The death benefit (including any accumulated bonuses) received by the nominee is fully tax- free as per section 10 (10 D).

Any maturity proceeds received (other than death benefit) are tax-free provided, the premiums paid in any of the years during the term of the policy do not exceed 10% of the actual Sum Assured

You can always cancel your life insurance policy by informing your provider about your wish to cancel within the free look period which is 15 days. When you cancel your life insurance policy, you are officially ‘surrendering’ the policy. Alternatively, if you stop paying your premiums, the insurance policy shall stand cancelled or lapsed and the cover will no longer apply. However, surrender of policy is not recommended since the surrender value would always be proportionately low.

You pay a small premium every year to the insurance company, in return for which you get a large cover, typically 30-100 times the premium you paid. The insurance company collects many such small premiums from a large number of customers to create a pool from which they pay your claim. Insurance companies are able to offer you a cover several times the premium you paid simply because not everyone in the pool falls sick in the same year!

How to save money on your life insurance

How to make claims for your life insurance policy

The costs on www.bellaryagent.com are the most minimal, you can discover anyplace, including insurance agency sites. Furthermore, with us you get the advantage of savvy decisions, customized suggestions, and long lasting cases support.

Insurance organizations value arrangements dependent on mortality tables that catch information on death rates for different client sections. Higher the danger of death higher the premium. A portion of the components that can impact your cost include:

You age: more seasoned individuals pay more

Your sexual orientation: ladies pay not as much as men

Your tobacco utilization propensities: pay more on the off chance that you expend tobacco

Extra advantages: pay more on the off chance that you incorporate discretionary advantages like basic disease spread, and so on.

Clinical history: pay more in the event that you have certain ailments/difficulties

Be that as it may, once purchased, the top notch remains steady all through, as long as the approach is recharged without a break. Costs contrast across back up plans – so ensure you look at before you purchase

Above all else, think about statements across organizations. Utilize our restrictive Value for Money (VFM) score and advantage representations to discover strategies that offer the most value for your money.

Pick an organization that has a decent and quick case settlement record. You can see this information on.

Pick the correct spread sum. Recollect the thumb rule of multiple times your yearly pay.

We causes you with the entirety of the above choices. What’s more, we offer free cases backing to every one of our clients. Along these lines, check out us at the present time!

Once you buy a Life Plan, keep your nominee aware of the latest policy copy. To make the claim, your nominee has to intimate the insurance company and provide necessary documents which will include copy of death certificate, hospital records, if any, identity and bank account proofs.

Avoid making claims for small expenses because this will cause you to lose your no claim bonus benefit
Ensure that the Insured Declared Value of the policy is not very high. The premium is affected by the IDV
Choose the correct type of policy for the car. If the car is not used very much, third party liability plans are sufficient.
Employ safety features like anti- theft devices. You may get a discount of minimum 5% on your premium, if you inform the insurance company that you have installed an anti-theft device.
Choose higher deductibles. (Note: this increases your expense on each claim)
The policyholder can avail discounts based on various categories which are declared by the insurance company like the policyholder’s age, profession, driving history, AAI membership, etc. See if you qualify for these.
Cut down on unnecessary add-ons which are not required. For instance if the policyholder is not living in a flood-prone area, engine damage add-on is not required.
Renew the policy on time. Lapsed policies incur a higher premium.
Most important you no need to compare with others as you will get best quotes across all insurance companies. Our customers have saved up to 60% doing this.

Insurance organizations value arrangements dependent on mortality tables that catch information on death rates for different client sections. Higher the danger of death higher the premium. A portion of the components that can impact your cost include:

You age: more seasoned individuals pay more

Your sexual orientation: ladies pay not as much as men

Your tobacco utilization propensities: pay more on the off chance that you expend tobacco

Extra advantages: pay more on the off chance that you incorporate discretionary advantages like basic disease spread, and so on.

Clinical history: pay more in the event that you have certain ailments/difficulties

Be that as it may, once purchased, the top notch remains steady all through, as long as the approach is recharged without a break. Costs contrast across back up plans – so ensure you look at before you purchase

Other FAQs

Disaster protection approaches have the accompanying kinds of cases –

  1. Development guarantee which is paid when the term of the arrangement reaches a conclusion Death guarantee which is paid if the safeguarded kicks the bucket during the term of the arrangement
  2. Cash back cases which are payable during the term of the arrangement if the safeguarded is alive in a cash back approach
  3. Give up esteem guarantee which is payable if the approach is given up by the policyholder before the term finishes

To compare life insurance plans, the following parameters should be used –

  1. The coverage features in the plan
  2. The premium rate
  3. The discounts available
  4. The claim settlement ratio of the insurance company
  5. Only after the plan is compared on these parameters should it be chosen.


Life insurance plans should be bought only after comparing the available plans. Comparing lets you decide whether the plan is the best among the rest.

Riders are additional coverage features which are available with the basic life insurance policy. Policyholders can choose any rider depending on their coverage requirements. Each rider has an additional premium. Customers can choose multiple riders under the plan provided that the total rider premium does not exceed 30% of the premium of the basic life insurance plan.

Premiums are payable on the specified due date. If the premiums are not paid within the due date, a grace period is allowed for paying the premium. If the premiums are not paid even during the grace period, the policy would lapse.

Effortlessness period is the extra time which is permitted to the policyholder to pay the remarkable premiums. If there should be an occurrence of a case during the elegance time frame, the advantage is paid in the wake of deducting the extraordinary premium. The effortlessness time frame is 30 days for approaches where premiums are paid in the yearly, half-yearly or month to month mode. In the event of approaches with month to month methods of premium, the elegance time frame is, generally, 15 days.

Every life insurance policy allows a free-look period of 15 days for the policyholder to cancel the policy if he/she is not satisfied with the policy. When the policy is cancelled in the free-look period, the premiums paid are refunded back after deducting them for the charges applicable in issuing the policy and the mortality risk for the period the policy was in force

Yes, life insurance plans allow a variety of discounts which include –

  1. Discount for females
  2. Discount for buying the plan online
  3. Discount for non-smokers
  4. Discount for choosing a high sum assured
  5. Discount for paying the premium annually, half-yearly or quarterly

The actual discounts which would be applicable would depend on the plan.

Life insurance premiums can be loaded for different reasons. These include the following –

  1. If the insured is a smoker
  2. If the premium is paid monthly
  3. If the insured has a high health risk
  4. If the insured has any physical hazard like being overweight or underweight.

The actual loading applied on the premium would depend on the underwriter.

Yes, savings oriented life insurance plans, except ULIPs, provide a loan facility. Under this facility, up to 90% of the plan’s surrender value can be taken by the policyholder as loan.

If the policyholder has availed a loan under the plan and the outstanding balance of the loan and the applicable interest rate exceeds the surrender value, the policy would be terminated by the insurance company. This early termination of the policy is called foreclosure.

If any change is made to an existing life insurance policy, the change is made through an endorsement.

Policyholders can change their location, contact subtleties, premium paying recurrence, aggregate guaranteed, include or evacuate a chosen one, and so forth. A few supports would require the authorization of the organization while some should be possible by basic implication.

There are 2 types of pension plans namely Deferred pension plans and immediate annuity pension plans, the details are as mentioned below:

  1. a. Deferred pension plans – under these plans, The policyholder chooses a policy term and pays premiums during the term. These premiums get accumulated into a lump sum benefit. Pension starts from the date of Vesting. Death benefit before Vesting: In case of early death, the death benefit is paid. On Vesting: At the time of vesting, the annuitant can withdraw 1/3rd of the accumulated corpus as tax-free withdrawal and the remaining portion is then paid as annuity according to the annuity option selected. Death benefit after Vesting: It depends on the annuity option chosen. If the annuitant has chosen, return of purchase price option, then the same would be paid to the nominee.
  2. b. Immediate annuity plans – under these plans, The policyholder pays a lump sum amount to buy the plan and the annuity starts immediately according to the annuity option selected. Death benefit after Vesting: It depends on the annuity option chosen. If the annuitant has chosen, return of purchase price option, then the same would be paid to the nominee.

Extra security arrangements offer the accompanying normal riders –

Unintentional demise and disablement advantage rider – under this rider, an extra entirety guaranteed is paid if the protected passes on or turns out to be for all time impaired during the term of the arrangement because of a mishap

Premium waiver rider – under this rider, future premiums payable under the arrangement are deferred off if the policyholder passes on during the term of the arrangement or meets with a mishap or a basic sickness, as is referenced in the approach bond. All things considered, the future premiums are postponed off and the arrangement proceeds. The strategy develops in its booked time.

Basic disease rider – this rider covers a rundown of basic ailments. On the off chance that the protected is determined to have any of the secured sicknesses during the term of the arrangement, an extra total guaranteed is paid

Medical clinic money rider – under this rider, a day by day money advantage is paid if the safeguarded is hospitalized during the term of the arrangement

Term rider – if the protected bites the dust during the term of the arrangement, twofold whole guaranteed is paid independent of the reason for death

Any one or numerous riders can be picked alongside the fundamental strategy

No, riders do not have a maturity benefit. They are applicable only if the insured contingency occurs

If the policyholder does not wish to continue with the life insurance policy for the stated duration, the policy can be surrendered. Surrendering means termination of coverage. When the policy is surrendered, the surrender value is paid.

Life insurance plans do not cover death due to the following reasons –

  1. When under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  2. Acts of criminal nature
  3. Participation in hazardous activities
  4. Suicide within 12 months of buying the policy or reviving it
  5. Any one or multiple riders can be chosen along with the basic policy.


If the policy lapses, the concept of paid-up value is applicable if the policyholder has paid the premium for at least 2 or 3 years, as the case may be. In such cases, the policy runs on a paid-up value which is the sum assured reduced to the extent of premiums paid against the total premiums payable. So, if in a policy of 20 years, premiums for 10 years have been paid, the sum assured would be reduced by 50% to arrive at the paid-up value.nt

If the policy has lapsed, the policyholder can pay the outstanding premiums and revive the policy. Revival is allowed within 2 years of the lapse of the policy.

Life insurance plans can allow premiums to be paid at once (single premium plans), for a limited period (limited premium plans) and also for the duration of the policy (regular premium plans). Policyholder can choose to pay the premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.

Toggle ConIn a life insurance premium calculator, the premium is calculated depending on the data fed into the calculator. The important data required for calculating premiums include – The type of policy required

  1. The sum assured
  2. The term of the plan
  3. The age of the member to be covered
  4. Any riders which are required
  5. Premium paying mode and frequency
  6. Any discounts applicable
  7. Smoking habits of the insured
  8. After these details are entered, the calculator calculates and shows the premium charged by the life insurance plan


If the insured commits suicide within a year of buying the plan, the premiums paid are refunded back. If the insured commits suicide within a year of reviving a lapsed policy, higher of the surrender value under the plan or 80% of the premiums paid are refunded. In case of suicide committed any other time, the promised death benefit is paid.

A nominee is a person who is authorised by the life insured to receive the proceeds of the life insurance policy if the insured dies and a death claim occurs.

If the life insurance policy is transferred to the ownership of another individual, the process of transfer of ownership is called assignment. Assignment only changes the ownership of the policy. The insured would remain the same.

A life insurance policy is issued on the basis of the information furnished in the proposal form. It is a policy of utmost good faith. If you answer anything incorrectly or hide an important information from the company and the said information affects your risk, your claim might be rejected by the insurance company

The nominee should inform the insurance company about the claim. The death certificate of the insured should be submitted and a claim form should be filled stating the details of the policy. Then the insurance company would check the forms and settle the claim.

Money back plans are anticipated endowment plans. They also have death as well as maturity benefit like Regular Endowment Plans, with the only difference that rather than paying the sum assured in one lump sum on maturity, money back plans pay a portion of the sum assured periodically during the policy tenure. These plans, thus, provide liquidity. The survival, maturity and death benefits are given below:

  1. a.Survival Benefit= % of the Sum Assured as per the policy schedule on the pre-defined year. For example, 10% of the Sum Assured is paid every 5 years, i.e. on survival, On the 5th year, 10% of the Sum Assured would be paid On the 10th year, another 10% of the Sum Assured would be paid On the 15th year, another 10% of the Sum Assured would be paid And on the 20th year, another 10% of the Sum Assured would be paid
  2. b.Maturity Benefit= Remaining Sum Assured + Bonus (if applicable) is paid to the policyholder if the life insured survives the entire policy tenure and the policy ends. Thus, in the previous example, the remaining 60% of the Sum Assured + Bonus (if applicable) would be paid at the end of the policy tenure as Maturity Benefit.
  3. c. Death Benefit= Sum Assured + Bonus (if applicable) is paid to the nominee if the life insured dies within the policy tenure irrespective of the amount already paid as survival benefit and the policy ends. Bonus declarations, guaranteed additions or loyalty additions might also be paid with the death or maturity benefit, if applicable

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